Hi! Welcome to my carrd <3. I made this for my character, Lexia, and I hope to keep up with it as the character grows. As it stands right now, I've finished Endwalker! All rps will be from the end of the actual story or unrelated to the current in-game story. Thanks for reading this! Feel free to let me know what you think!

  • Name: Lexia Vorvefari (formally known as Not A-woman)

  • Age: 23

  • Height: 6'2

  • Weight: 165

  • E/C: Changes with her job stone, but always heterochromatic. (See extras for a current table *based on the jobs I have levelled *)

  • Home: She has a private room in a guild house, but prefers to spend her time travelling around Eorzea

  • H/C: Ever-changing, but most commonly black with red tips

  • Birthday: 9th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon

  • Status: Single

  • Sexuality: Fluid; she doesn't like putting labels on it

  • Jobs: Professional Dragoon, but freelance Dancer

Being an extremely tall Veena, with a love for dressing up in exceptionally dark clothing and changing her hair with simple spells, she was starting to get bored in her home.
Everyone there was the same, a cookie-cutter town full of elezen and hyur, Not already stuck out like a sore thumb. She was much taller than any man or woman she knew, even as a kid. Often, she was teased for the holes in the back of her clothes, a necessary addition to fit her fluffy Viera tail.
She didn’t know how she got to the town, only that her first memories and all of them afterward were being there. Even her parents were hyur. Two kind women, one a tailor and the other the town’s blacksmith.
They always said that she came to them as a wish; vague on the details. When she got old enough to retain more than a basic understanding of life, she stopped asking. Unsatisfied with the answer of her origin, a spark ignited in her, that only built as the years went by.
At the excited age of 21, she said goodbye to her parents, leaving her hometown in search of somewhere she could feel accepted. Her only goal when leaving was to find more Viis, and maybe an explanation for her mysterious arrival.
Not went to Gridania for the same reason many travellers do; to find a bigger purpose in life. She was excited by the whimsical sense of the city and took up with the lancers’ guild.
Enjoying the prospect of poking things with a large, pointy stick, she took to work quickly following all her guild master’s tasks, until he told her it was time to seek greater instruction in Coerthas.
In the snowy mountains and valleys of Coerthas and Ishgard, she made lots of like-minded friends, a common face around the Forgotten Knight. She missed Gridania, so once her lessons were learned, she was quick to head back to the black shroud, staying close to her new home and protecting it.
She took up job postings from the inns around the shroud and always answered the calls for a local escort or guard for hire. But wanderlust caught her again, and she wanted to see what else Eorzea had to offer. Taking an airship, for the first time, she headed to Ul’Dah, encountering a local dance troupe.
Their movements were mesmerizing to the hetero-chromic eyes of Not, and entranced, she approached the leader for more information. They were kind enough to teach her, and she took up with them for a while.
This was where she met Ayo, a hyur in search of her old teacher. The tug of wanting to help pulled at Not’s heartstrings, and she knew the black shroud as well as the back of her hand. Agreeing, Not and Ayo travelled back to the shroud to Byregot’s Respite, an inn where Katia was heard to be seen frequenting.
After spending almost all of her time with Ayo and more recently Katia, Not realized she wanted to move forward in her life and leave behind the ill-fitting name she had been forced to carry with her.
Re-inventing herself, Not renamed herself Lexia Vorvefari. Her first name is in memory of her parents Alexa and Lyla, and her last name is a phrase in a foreign tongue for "Spring Weaver".
Her most recent adventure has taken her to Sharlayan, where Lexia has taken up work with the gleaners. She chaperones the lot on more dangerous missions, always making sure to keep them safe.

WeLcOmE to my OOC section! My name is Nat (which is amusing considering her name was Not) and I love final fantasy. I'm 22 years old, and I've been RPing for almost a decade now. I used to RP in WoW, but recently switched over to FFXIV.
Here's a few things about how I RP:

  • I enjoy semi-para to full para RP. Basically as long as it's longer than a sentence or two

  • I RP from a third-person perspective

  • I hate when people control my character for me in their response. Let me play my character, and you play yours <3

  • I RP/ERP equally, and am always open to a reoccurring session if our characters vibe well together!

  • I type in Canadian English (it's not usually an issue but that's why all the extra u's are in my words lol)

Eye colours! (L/R)

  • Dragoon: Blue/Purple

  • Bard: Blue/Green

  • Dancer: Blue/Pink

  • Reaper: Blue/Red

  • Machinist: Blue/Blue

  • Paladin: Blue/Yellow

  • When Not equipped with a jobstone: Blue/White

Fun Facts!

  • Tends to dress more alternatively

  • Doesn't act like a typical 'goth', which can be off-putting to others

  • Moody when she's hungry

  • Loves flopping her ears as a dramatic response

  • Loves to make jokes, most of them being dry puns that some have issues understanding was humour in the first place

  • She loves moody music, and lives vicariously through the songs she listens to

  • A big fan of goth clubs, and likes to frequent places with that kind of energy

  • Not A-woman was the name stamped on a ticket in her swaddle, and the two women that found her called her that ever since. She was bullied for it a lot, and it can be a sore spot for her now. Often she tempts the idea of creating a new name for herself but only recently got around to it.

  • Jobstones aren't the only things that change the colours of her eyes. Occasionally in moments of passion, her eyes will haze over with a pink hue.

  • Lexia has a pet hedgehog named Spike! He's one of her best friends, and they are rarely apart.